“You become what you think about.”

I’ve had this saying on my mind a lot recently. You become what you think about. You become the person, the emotions, the values, the purposes, the perspectives that envelope your mind and consume your thoughts. Is is true?

It seems like it could be true – or maybe it’s because I heard it from an admirable person. Regardless, I want to find out if it’s true. If a person can really turn their views and perspectives around by consuming their thoughts with something else.

You become what you think about.

What do you think?

3 thoughts on ““You become what you think about.””

      1. Ah ok. He’s one of the most influential speakers I think. Nightingale and Napoleon Hill…it’d be difficult to listen to any speaker without hearing their ideas come through 🙂 but it doesn’t matter where you hear it, but how you use it!


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